A security lighting installation at your Romsey home can make all the difference in protecting your home and helping you to feel safe.
But did you know that a well-planned security lighting installation can also make your home look good and make your outdoor spaces easier for you to use? NDM Electrical are your friendly, local electrician in Romsey, Hampshire and we are here to tell you about the benefits of a security lighting installation at your home.
Security Lighting Styles
When most Romsey homeowners think of security lighting, they think of motion activated flood lights and it is true that these are the most popular style of lighting. However, there are several different kinds of security lights available, each with specific security functions. You can also select security lighting in a variety of styles and finishes so there is no need to compromise on style either. Your electrician will be able to discuss the varying options with you and help you choose the security lighting that will best suit your needs.
The main security lighting types are:
Motion Activated or PIR (passive infra-red) security lights. These are the most popular security light, providing sudden and shocking light when they detect movement. This bright, highly noticeable light startles intruders and alerts those nearby. Best placed near rear entrances, side paths, garages and anywhere that access may be attempted. These security lights can also prove handy when you need to access the areas they cover legitimately. A great example is a security light that is placed near a garage. If you need to access the garage, you will trigger the light, making it much easier to open the door and find the light switch! As they only light for a short time, they are offer a very cost-effective solution.
Manual security lights. These security lights are operated from within your home. Popular uses for this kind of security lighting are as porch lights or a floodlight on a patio. These are suited to areas where you would like increased visibility for longer periods and in places that can be easily seen. Otherwise, you may be providing intruders with light to gain easier access. They work particularly well on front entrances. They also have dual purpose as, if used on a patio for example, can provide lighting for outdoor entertaining too.
Timer and light sensitive security lighting. This kind of security lighting switches on and off at preset times. This can be achieved through a timer or simply on light levels. These lights are particularly useful on driveways or paths and often have a decorative effect.
Security Lighting Installer
Outdoor security lighting should only be installed by a competent, experienced electrician. Not only is working with electricity outdoors an especially tricky task, but security lighting also only protects your home if it is set up correctly. Otherwise, you may find you aid unwanted visitors in gaining access or that you annoy the neighbours with a poorly positioned motion sensor. By choosing a qualified electrician as your security lighting installer you can be sure of a safe, high-quality result. They will possess the knowledge and skills to install your security lighting effectively.
NDM Electrical are your local electrician in Romsey, Hampshire. Our reliable electricians are fully qualified and NICEIC registered, so you can be sure you are in safe hands. If you would like to organise a security lighting installation for your home, contact us today.